The article is exposing MTA's ways of hiring mafia-affiliated companies to take care of its trash which is produced due to tunnel drilling in Sunnyside. So I thought of making a little ad for the company that MTA has hired which is called "New York Dirt" and the motto of this company would be "We would whack your dirt" which is meant to make fun of their mobster related business.

This mathematical equation pretty much represents the article verbatim just in funny self-explanatory symbols so it would appeal to general public and would get the idea through. the idea is that NY state government is ultimately going to make a lot of money with passing the soda taxes and as a result we, the consumers will have less money to spend in supermarkets and that's upsetting :(
The article explains how good the tomato bushes grow when they're up side down... to what I have to say: find something better to do with your life!
Here, poor Pakistani teenagers can't go on facebook just because someone decided to draw funny cartoons of Mohammad and post it... now the whole country has to suffer through not having one of the most powerful communication resources in the world, which is facebook. In my head it is the same as putting a veil on muslim women and covering or hiding them from the world. And just to give this graphic a little more punch I decided to include little Mohammad thumbnail cartoons on the side to explain why this facebook person is covered.
Ok so cloning I believe is something that represents the future and therefore having a strong army of cloned bulls is something that precedes the army of androids from iRobot. Cloning seemed so far away just a couple of years when all the futuristic movies were produced and now these bulls are knocking on our doors saying "we're here and so is the future"... once again, that's all in my head
This article talks about how the oil spill can affect the tourism in Miami... and I'm very concerned about the fact because I go there every summer! I need my beaches to be clean and ready for my white ass to get some tanning on... that's why I'm encouraging people to take action if they see the effects of oil spill and contact someone who can help.
This is an ad poster for a shoe company/store which is located across the street from my job. I was lucky enough to see the opening party and get inspired by all the glitz and famous people at the party.
I was very surprised to see the article about the place in the Times but I guess lucky me, I have some personal relation to this article... plus the shoes, I love shoes... and I was actually fascinated by the fact that the shoe designes at the store were inspired by the Eams chair(s). I'm not sure which chairs exactly but from the looks of the shoes I found some funky Eams chairs online and made them into shoes as a little joke on how these shoes came to be.
Do you think greeting cards are still in use and are in demand? I think they're obsolete and sending an SMS is faster, cheaper and more convenient... at the end it's the thought that counts... right?
Poor Mongolian herders are left with thousands of dead animals as a result of severe weather this past winter and as a result a lot of them and their families will be left with nothing since they don't practice any other trade or don't have much education. Sad but true... this wool sweater with a hole in the middle represents the percentage of people that will be left with nothing...